Welcome to our Resource Hub Overview!

Here you can explore and download our EPD resources such as handbooks, video tutorials, training materials and LCA/EPD templates to help you with managing the adoption of LCA and EPDs within your organization.

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Documentation Overview for EPD and PCR

General Programme Instructions

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EPD Development & Verification

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PCR Development

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Excel templates for machine-readable EPDs

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EPD Portal video guide

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Brochures: EPD, an introduction

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Brochures: EPD Communication

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Code of Conduct

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General Programme Instructions

Our General Programme Instructions (GPI) are the rules guiding the overall administration and operation of the International EPD System in accordance with ISO 14025 for type III Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs).

Our General Programme Instructions is available for download free of charge, but the use of this material is subject to our General Terms of Use.

When you do not accept EPD International AB:s General Terms of Use, you are not authorized to exploit this work in any manner.

In general:

  • The publication of a new version of the GPI does not affect the validity of already-existing PCRs and published EPDs, which will remain published with the same validity date as before.
  • Surveillance of EPDs during their validity is based on the same version of the PCR and GPI that was used for the verification of the current valid EPD.
  • If a valid PCR based on the latest version of the GPI does not exist, EPDs may be published and updated based on valid PCRs that are based on earlier version of the GPI during the transition period.
  • Version updates of the GPI will be implemented step-by-step into existing PCRs when they are due for update, or during their validity.
  • PCRs that are currently under development should be aligned with latest version of the GPI. Exceptions are allowed for cases where the development is already far progressed.

General Programme Instructions

GPI 5.0.0

Our latest GPI currently valid for reference.

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GPI 3.01

GPI 3.01

Download 3.01

GPI 3.01 in Portuguese

GPI 3.01 in Portuguese. Many thanks to EPD Brasil!

Baixar 3.01

GPI 2(.5)

Only valid for selected PCRs (info in PCRs available) that are in a transition period for upgrading to latest GPI version.

Download 2.5

EPD Development and Verification templates

Below you can find some guiding and mandatory documents when developing and preparing your EPD for verification.

EPD Development
The EPD development templates are intended as a voluntary best practice template.
The templates do not override the mandatory requirements as set by the PCR.

EPD Verification
For construction product EPDs claiming compliance with the standard EN 15804, the mandatory template shall be used.

EPD Internal Follow-up Report
This is a voluntary template that can aid in performing and documenting the internal follow-up procedure. This procedure is aimed at monitoring and follow-up on any changes that would require an update of the EPD during its period of validity. Rules about this procedure is given in the General Programme Instructions, and the template should not be interpreted as introducing any new requirements to the procedure.

EPD Development templates

EPD template - Construction products, PCR 2019:14 version 1.2 (EN 15804:A2)


EPD template - All other product categories (Version 2.0 of the default indicator list)


EPD Verification templates

Verification report, PCR 2019:14 version 1.3.2-1.3.4 (EN 15804:A2)

Mandatory template


Verification report

Voluntary template


Archived EPD Verification templates

List of EPD verification templates that are based on expired versions of PCR 2019:14

List of EPD verification templates that are based on expired versions of PCR 2012:01

EPD Internal Follow-up Report

EPD Internal Follow-up Report

Voluntary template


Excel templates for machine-readable EPDs

Below you can find downloadable Excel templates to be used in the portal for machine-readable LCA data which is mandatory for Construction Products as well as an available option for all other product categories.

Excel templates for machine-readable EPDs

Excel template for PCR 2019:14 v.1.2-1.3

Applicable for version 1.2 and 1.3. Note: Only includes aggregated form of module A1, A2 and A3 to comply with ISO 21930.


Excel template for non-construction products (default list v.2.0)


PCR Templates

Below you can find some guiding documents when developing and preparing PCRs.

List of guiding PCR documents and templates for PCR development

PCR Development Checklist

For PCR Moderators to submit to the Secretariat to initiate a PCR development or updating process.


PCR Template GPI 5.0.0

Template, with guidance, for developing PCRs.


Template for c-PCRs to PCR 2019:14

Template, with guidance, for developing complementary PCRs (c-PCRs) of specific categories of construction products, complementary to PCR 2019:14.


Template for c-PCRs to non-construction products

Template, with guidance, for developing complementary PCRs (c-PCRs) to main PCRs of non-construction products.


The International EPD System logotype

The International EPD® System logotype should be used on all official printed materials and declarations connected to the programme to avoid confusion with other types of product-related environmental labels and declarations.

The logotype symbolizes a yardstick, a standardized tool for objective measurement.

The EPD Logotype is the property of EPD International AB, and its use is subject to the conditions set out below and in our GPI. Unauthorised use and/or misuse of the logotype is not permitted. Other uses of the logotype are only allowed based on special agreements with EPD International AB.

When used correctly, the logotype may be used for different applications:

  • On the EPD - the logotype shall be included on the cover page and/or as part of the programme-related information.

For below uses of the logotype, please contact the Secretariat for approval.

  • On products and packaging material: upon request, we supply a version of our logotype with the EPD registration number (EPD-IES-XXXXX:XXX) or QR code. These traceability logotypes function as a way to display the unique traceability and transparency of the EPD.
  • On product communication materials (such as documents, poster, video etc) next to product: the traceability logotype version shall be used.
  • On product communication materials, other placings than next to product: The primary logotype shall be used, in first case. Other acceptable alternatives are the secondary or tertiary logotypes, but only after the primary has been tried.

Using information from an EPD in communication material: If an organisation chooses to use data/information from an EPD in communication material, this should be clearly shown. The organisation shall state that the data is taken from a independently verified environmental declaration,

The logotype is freely available for download in different file formats from this website, or via the EPD Secretariat.

EPD International AB will investigate potential misuse, whether through negligence or fraud, of the logotype. If proven, such misuse may lead to withdrawal of EPDs, publication of the transgression legal action.

Available logotypes for download

Primary Logotype in Colour

The primary logotype of the International EPD System should be used as the first of choice at all times for light background.


Primary Logotype in Colour - Inverted

The primary logotype of the International EPD System should be used as the first of choice at all times for dark background.


Primary Logotype in Greyscale

For printing considerations, the greyscale version of the International EPD System primary logotype could be used for light background.


Primary Logotype in Greyscale - Inverted

For printing considerations, the greyscale version of the International EPD System primary logotype could be used for dark background.


EPD Portal instructions

For anyone who wishes to learn how to create an account in the EPD portal, change settings and create an EPD. And much more.

The EPD Portal is under development and new versions of this guide will be released. The current version is applicable as of June 2023.

You can watch it here.

Brochures: EPD, an introduction

The brochures below describe the basic principles of Environmental Product Declarations and the International EPD® System. Free for download in the following languages:

Available brochures: EPD, an introduction



Arabic (العربية) courtesy of EPD Egypt


Chinese (汉语)

EPD International China office

Read more

Chinese (汉语)


German (Deutsch)


Italian (Italiano)


Portuguese (Português)


Swedish (Svenska)


Spanish (Español)


Turkish (Türkçe)


Brochures: EPD Communication

The brochures below focus on the use of an EPD and its different applications.
They are currently available in the following languages below.

Available brochures: EPD Communication



Chinese (汉语)


Swedish (Svenska)


Portuguese (Português)


Code of Conduct

Below you can find different versions of our Code of Conduct (CoC)

Available CoC versions:

CoC - Natural Person

Version 1.0 (September 25, 2019)


CoC - Organization

Version 1.0 (September 25, 2019)
