EPD Process and Tool Solutions

Learn how EPD process certification and tools can make the EPD process more efficient, and explore the available tools registered in the International EPD® System

EPD Process Certification

With EPD process certification, the organisation may handle the management of EPD data involved in the verification procedure by themselves and issue EPDs without a third-party verifier being involved in each case.

To simplify the process for organisations in collecting data, conducting LCAs, and developing EPDs on a large scale, the International EPD® System includes the option of EPD Process Certification. The rationale for certified process is that well-managed internal EPD routines make data collection and its conversion into EPDs more rational and less resource-intense and time-consuming.

With EPD process certification, the organisation may handle the management of EPD data involved in the verification procedure by themselves and issue EPDs without a third-party verifier being involved in each case.

An organisation that has an EPD process certification assessed and certified by an accredited certification body on a regular basis, is allowed to:

  • develop and issue new EPDs for registration and publication at www.environdec.com, and
  • update published EPDs.

More information on EPD Process Certification is found in the General Programme Instructions (GPI)

Read more in the GPI

Pre-verified LCA and EPD Tools

A pre-verified LCA/EPD tool, based on an applicable PCR(s), contains data and calculation models to simplify the EPD process. It is pre-verified to ensure the conformance of the produced data, given the correct input.

The International EPD System allows the use of pre-verified tools. The application of these tools simplifies the individual EPD verification or replace it with an annual EPD verification.

A simplification of the EPD verification means that the verifier does not need to review and confirm the conformity of requirements related to the LCA and the EPD that have already been pre-verified in the tool. This will reduce the time needed by the EPD verifier as part of his/her job is already performed, and is, thus, expected to reduce the cost for verification of an EPD.

A pre-verified tool that only generates LCA results is categorised as a pre-verified LCA tool. If the tool generates a complete EPD, including LCA results and all mandatory EPD information, it is categorised as a pre-verified EPD tool. For both tool types, the individual EPD verification can be simplified. If a pre-verified EPD tool can ensure the integrity of all the input and output data, the individual EPD verification can be replaced with an annual EPD verification, catergorised as Pre-verified and integrated EPD tool.

The tool owner is responsible for organising the verification of the pre-verified tool. Verifiers, both individual verifiers and certification bodies, shall obtain case-by-case approval from the Secretariat before conducting the tool verification. An application to act as the verifier of a pre-verified tool shall be submitted to the Secretariat.

Download application form for tool verification

More information on tools is found in the General Programme Instructions (GPI)

Read more in the GPI

Approved Pre-Verified LCA Tools

EPD generator for Gunnar Prefab AB

Valid until: 2023-12-31

Tool info

GCCA EPD tool for clinker, cement, aggregates, concrete and precast products

Valid until: 2025-06-20

Tool info

One Click LCA EPD Generator for Construction Products

Valid until: 2025-06-20

Tool info

TMF EPD Generator – Kitchen and Bathroom

Valid until: 2024-02-29

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TMF EPD Generator – Windows and Doors

Valid until: 2024-02-29

Tool info

TMF EPD Generator – Wooden Stairs & Floors

Valid until: 2025-06-20

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Approved Pre-Verified EPD Tools

Dovista EPD Generator part of Tyréns EPD-generator

Valid until: 2025-06-20

Tool info

Tyréns EPD Generator – Concrete Products

Valid until: 2025-06-20

Tool info

Tyréns EPD generator – Guardrails and bridge parapets

Valid until: 2025-06-20

Tool info

Outsourcing or Insourcing of LCA/EPD Expertise?

When the demand for more and more product/project specific EPDs grows, building in-house LCA capacity and by investing in digital tools and platforms becomes an economically interesting & sustainable option.

Manufacturers frequently respond to initial EPD requests by hiring external LCA consultants who manage the LCA and EPD process. However, a 2017 (CIRP) report indicates that the outsourcing of the EPD development costs an organisation somewhere between ten (10) and thirty (30) thousand US dollars per EPD. These (cash-out) costs include the lifecycle assessment cost, the third-party verification and the registration/publication cost. In-kind cost for data collection and preparation at the manufacturer are excluded.

Download CIRP Report

There is empirical evidence that indicates that in-house development and making use of digital solutions/tools makes delivering EPDs faster and more cost-efficient, when demand for EPDs grow. And do not forget, your first EPD will always the toughest, the next ones come at lower cost and effort!