A quarter century since the first EPD!

On this day in 1998, the very first EPD was published through our system by Vattenfall AB. We are happy to celebrate 25 years of EPDs and look forward to the coming 25!

The FIRST EPD certified Vattenfall’s environmental data of electricity production from the river Lule älv. Vattenfall, a European energy/infrastructure company with its headquarter in Sweden, was the first company in the world to certify a product via an EPD. The verifier was SP Sveriges Provings och Forskningsinstitut in Borås, Sweden.

In 1997/1998, the EPD was developed based upon the ISO TR 14025 in combination with the PSR 1998:1, rev. 1, MSR 1992:2 and few more standards.

The EPD Secretariat is happy to celebrate the 25th birthday of EPDs and CEO Sebastiaan Stiller says:

“I’m proud to be working with a great team and partners that believe in the ultra-transparency we successfully bring to market with our EPD Services. The growing recognition we receive from all our stakeholders and how the EPD system has developed from its beginning makes us look with confidence into a bright future”.

The EPD Secretariat,
Inventors of the EPD and PCR