Fire-resistant glass
Product information
Safety glass, be it tempered, laminated, or reinforced, does not present any serious obstacle to spreading flame and tends to break within the first minutes of fire. Special fire-resistant glass is the only glass that can act as a flame retardant. Fireblock demonstrates the highest degree of protection against flame, smoke and other combustion products and does not conduct heat. Maximum permissible temperature of the glass on the side opposite to the fire is 180 °C. The glass has been designed to ensure its effective performance during fire: after the tempered glass breaks, the fireproof gel between the glass panes starts to act by absorbing the energy and becomes opaque, thus creating a reliable barrier against the spreading fire.
Detailed information
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EPD documents
EPD document S-P-08353 en.pdfIncluded products in this EPD
Fireblock30 with tested heat insulation of 30min
Fireblock60 with tested heat insulation of 60min