FLAT GLASS 3 mm - 19 mm Clear and colored flat glass
Product information
FLOAT GLASS is a basic silica glass for soda-lime produced using the float procedure to be used in multiple applications such as construction, furnitures and industrial applications. This product complies with the Mercosur standard NM 294-2004.
This EPD includes:
Cebrace Float Incolor (Clear): a transparent glass, produced from soda-lime clear silica, transparent with metallic oxide materials are used in the creation of colored glasses.
Cebrace Extra Clear: which is a low iron product, which is lighter and more transparent. This is noticeable when viewing particularly the edge of the glass.
Cebrace Float Verde (Green), Dark green (Emerald), Grey and Bronze that has basically the same composition as clear glass, with the addition of dyes to achieve the aesthetics.
Detailed information
EPD Owner
EPD documents
14 09 22 CEBRACE - EPD Flat Glass - 3 to 19 mm v3.pdf14 09 22 CEBRACE - EPD VIDRO FLOAT - 3 a 19 mm v3_PT.PDFOther documents
Climate declaration EPD-IES-0006326:001 (S-P-06326) pt.pdfClimate declaration EPD-IES-0006326:001 (S-P-06326) pt(1).pdfClimate declaration EPD-IES-0006326:001 (S-P-06326) pt(2).pdfIncluded products in this EPD
3 mm - 19 mm Clear and colored flat glass