Cut and bent rebar

Product information

Reinforcing steel is encased in concrete in order to improve the tensile strength of the latter in structures bearing axial or bending loads. The steel is relatively simple and comprises about 99 % iron. The reinforcing-steel products consist of cut-to-length and bent pieces starting from bars in long length or coil supplied from a steel plant. The bar surface is often ribbed in order to facilitate bonding between steel and concrete. 

The cut and bent parts can be of standard shape or bespoke in accord with drawings supplied by a construction company. In many instances, parts are welded or otherwise joined together to form more complex cage arrangements tailored to the final construction. The finished parts are packed and delivered to the construction site ready to have concrete poured around them. Steel reinforcing will normally last over the life of the concrete structure. It is 100 % recyclable in the event that the structure is demolished.

This EPD has been registered as an ECO Platform EPD with ECO EPD Reference number 00001189. The International EPD System is a founding member of the ECO Platform and its procedures has undergone a peer audit to be able to use this logotype. All EPDs of construction products from different programmes that carry the ECO logotype are listed here.

Detailed information

Registration number:
EPD-IES-0002039:001 (S-P-02039)
En15804 Compliant:
Registration date:
August 11, 2020
Valid until:
July 5, 2025
Geographical scopes:

EPD Owner

Company Name:
Tibnor AB

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